There's a。 Pokémon。game on PC now. Sort of.。
For all the ways that 。 Minecraft 。has been twisted and transformed over the years, Pokémon: Cobalt and Amethyst 。is something new. It's a full-blown game built inside of 。 Minecraft。, with what developer Phoenix Projects says is "60 to 80 hours" of gameplay. 。
SEE ALSO:7 things 'Pokémon Go' badly needs in 2017。At its heart, Cobalt and Amethyst。is meant to recreate the original。 Pokémon。RPG in a new format. According to the official description, it includes "battling, capturing, and training Pokémon, fighting trainers, and challenging Gym Leaders and, ultimately, the Pokémon League."。
Thanks for signing up! 。 The game is the product of an almost three-year development process. Getting it set up and running smoothly is a little tricky -- since this is。Minecraft 。 and not an actual。 Pokémon 。
game -- but the video above provides step-by-step instructions. 。 We haven't tested the game ourselves yet, so it's hard to say how it runs or plays. But on the face of things, this is an impressive twisting of the 。Minecraft 。
foundation into something completely different.。 If you're interested in the technical side of things, Phoenix chronicled 。Cobalt and Amethyst。
's development in a 139-episode YouTube playlist.。 You can download the game for free right here and check out more stuff on Phoenix Projects' website. You might want to act quickly, however; Nintendo is diligent about protecting its intellectual property and has a history of shutting down。 Pokémon。
Pokémon 。
fan projects. 。
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